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7 People You Will Meet in a Youth Hostel

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

1) The Gap Yah Traveller

You will find one of these in just about every hostel room you visit.  A year away has helped them to, like, find themselves.

2) The Casanova

Who can say no to a holiday fling with a tanned and charming backpacker, particularly after an evening sampling the local nightlife? There are plenty of these, male and female, in every youth hostel; just don’t end up in the bunk bed underneath one!

3) The Midlife Crisis

Travelling is an amazing experience regardless of age, but there’s something quite funny about finding someone your parent’s age slobbing around a youth hostel in baggy trousers getting ‘down with the kids’.

 4) The Wannabe Local

Sometimes you come across a hostel guest that simply never left.  They’ve picked up the local lingo, only wear clothes that they’ve bought in the market and have turned their bunk bed into a permanent dwelling. 


5) The Couple


Most couples you meet travelling are great fun to hang out with.  However, you occasionally come across pairs that only have eyes for each other and seem to spend most of their holiday making out… in full view of the rest of your 10-man dorm.

6) The Clingy One

One of the best things about travelling is meeting new people from all over the world.  Despite this, you sometimes come across fellow travellers that don’t quite get the boundaries.  Sightseeing all day and dancing all night can be tiring, and sometimes you just need some alone time for some rest and recuperation. 

7) The Drunk

They always have a drink in hand and seem to only function after 9pm.  They know where the cheapest drinks and the wildest parties are.  They’ll show you a good time, just be prepared for a panic the next day when they realise that they’ve lost all of their possessions. 


Photo Credits:


Student Beans
