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3 Self-Care Tips To Prevent Deadline Stress

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter Cornwall chapter.

The month of April is fast approaching, which only brings the looming threat of deadlines even closer. If, like me, you are a third year student, it also means that your dissertation deadline isn’t far off and April becomes the month for furious writing, revising and  a whole load of stress. As has been reiterated to all of us throughout the year, the dissertation is an all-important piece of work that is the culmination of your entire university and academic career. However, while its importance and impact can’t be denied, it is also important not to let your health and general wellbeing fall to the wayside during this particularly hard month. With that in mind, here are three tips to make sure you take care of yourself while working, and can also be used by any other students faced with an astonishing amount of work to do in April.

3. Change the scenery

I have said this a lot, but sitting down to write a long piece of work like a dissertation requires a quiet, calming environment to write in. If you’re comfortable writing in your room or at the library, that’s fine, but I find I get rather bored and unfocused when I’m such familiar environments. Seeking out new places to work in, that also allow you to focus, is a great way to mix up your work schedule, and is also a good way to blow some of the work cobwebs away. 

2. Relaxation techniques

This may seem like strange advice, but having recently taken up yoga, I can sincerely attest to the stress-relieving capacities of meditation, yoga and soft music. There are many relaxing music playlists to be found on the Internet, and yoga is also an innovative way for you to be able to both relax and get some exercise. Meditation is not for everyone, but it never hurts to be able to recenter yourself and take a few deep breaths before diving back into your work. 

1. Surround yourself

The best way to take care of oneself while in the midst of a grueling work schedule, I find, is making sure that during this trying time, you have people near you that you can rely on when it all gets too much. We all have moments when work becomes a lot to bear and we feel like giving up. Calling your parents for a quick chat, or just finding a friend to commiserate on the impending deadline with you, is a surefire to help you get back your motivation and air out all your frustrations . 

Molly Griffiths

Exeter Cornwall '18

I grew up in Paris but was born in Ireland to an Irish mother and a British father. I'm literally obsessed with movies and literature. I also love animals and discovering new things.