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Humans of Endicott

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Endicott chapter.

 Tell me a little about yourself and why you chose to come to Endicott? 

I chose Endicott for the great internship program and location! I’ve always loved sports and grew up in a Boston sports fanatic home and have developed a passion for sports management through my experiences in marketing jobs, coaching cheerleading and participating in many sports throughout my life.

Do you have any plans for your future?

Yes I plan on starting my own business once I have my feet on the ground, and I want to study abroad to expand my photography skills and communication skills. 

What’s something unique about you?

I listen to pretty much every genre of music out there. Thank goodness for Spotify!

Are you involved or a part of any on campus groups or clubs?

I am involved in Relay for Life- I’ve always loved this event and have participated in 5 of them before coming to Endicott! Taking part in the committee that runs it has been a really rewarding experience. 

What’s something you want right now?

Free printing at the vpac!

Most interesting decoration in your room?

The “wars end kiss” aka “VJ Day kiss” poster! I love this photo! I did a project on it my sophomore year of high school and as my love for photography has developed I have grown an appreciation for the meaning of this photo for our countries history, and the history of photography. 

Favorite sports team? 

The Red Sox! 

What’s your favorite animal and why?

Horses- I used to ride but stopped during high school to have more time for other sports. 

Dog or Cat person?


Dunks or Starbucks?

Dunks for sure. 

Favorite thing about Endicott? 

The sense of community. 

Favorite song lyric?

“You’re gunna live forever in me” John Mayer

Do you remember your senior quote from high school, and if so what was it?

“A single idea from the human mind can build cities. An idea can transform the world and rewrite all the rules.” – Inception 

What’s a favorite place that you have been?

Zion National Park in Utah

Lastly, how do you like to spend your free time?

Free time?? What’s that??

I graduated from Endicott College with a B.S. in Marketing Communication and Advertising, with a minor in Photography. I am now attending Emerson College to attain my M.A. in Digital Marketing and Data Analytics. I love fashion, lifestyle, entertainment, social media, and photography! 
Just a girl who loves bread, exercise and traveling.