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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Endicott chapter.

10 Tips for Self-Care as We Get Closer and Closer to Finals

  1. Breathe. Take deep breaths and remember that you’re doing the best you can.

  2. Make yourself a cup tea. And watch an episode of Netflix. Destress and forget about real life for a little while.

  3. Don’t binge watch Netflix, watch an episode or two to relax and refocus. Binge watching will only get you in a funk you can’t get out of.

  4. Stop overthinking everything. Accept things for how they are and be ready to tackle the next challenge.

  5. Make time for your friends. Talking to your friends about things that aren’t school related will help you relax.

  6. Know your strengths. Recognize how awesome you are and pull strength from the positives in your life.

  7. Schedule five or ten minutes a day to just do whatever you want. Draw, color, play video games, write, read, whatever it may be. Give yourself time for those small non-essential activities.

  8. Unplug yourself. You’ll find that it is so relaxing to just leave the social media world behind for an hour or two. This allows you to focus on you and only you.

  9. Be selfish. Do something for you and don’t feel guilty about it. Go to the beach alone, buy yourself that shirt you wanted or eat a cupcake or two. Treating yourself is not a selfish act.

10.   Self-care is not a one-time deal. You need to continue practicing self-care regularly to make sure you’re at your best emotionally physically and mentally.

Passionate peer educator and self proclaimed sexpert. I enjoy talking dirty about the anatomy of the human body. More often than not, you'll find me binge watching Ted Talks. Happiest nanny to three wonderful kiddos. And I'll never forget that everyday is a a great day to be a gull.
Just a girl who loves bread, exercise and traveling.