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Why Going Home for Fall Break Is the Move

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

Like a lot of freshmen, I took fall break as an opportunity to go home and reunite with my bed (and family).  While I was initially excited to go home, I was scared as to whether or not it would bring a rush of homesickness upon returning.  After four solid days at home, cycling through a myriad of emotions, I learned to appreciate both my home and campus in different ways than before.




First stop: shower.  While the sound of real water pressure was initially jarring, there is nothing better than a home shower (besides getting in a perfectly clean, comfortable, and non-lofted bed).  I never went to summer camp, but I imagine this is what it feels like to be home for the first time – overwhelmed by familiarity but also torn between two environments.  The initial excitement has not subsided at this point however, and that first night of sleep rivals all nights of college sleep combined. 




For me, waking up and not having to jump onto my desk then the ground was the biggest indicator that I wasn’t at school, but regardless, waking up at home feels so familiar yet so odd at the same time.  After all the necessary primping and priming, the newness of home has worn off, and you realize how normal everything is.  Routines snap back, and it almost feels as if you never left – especially if you’re lucky enough to have friends in town too.  The only distinction from normalcy is looking at your phone and seeing texts or snapchats from both college and high school friends and how you find yourself missing two subsets of people, as opposed to the usual one.




After seeing friends and family and finishing up various errands, you’re unexpectedly ready to go back.  The thousands of questions about how college is wears a little thin, and going from being surrounded by people constantly to not is a little boring.  Day 3 is perfect for a total solo personal day though, meant for soaking up the last scents of your bed and your favorite take-out, fully appreciating the calmness of your last full day home (you think about doing homework for a hot second but get over it fast – fall break isn’t a time for that). 


DAY 4      


Preparing to leave is hard, but it’s exciting to go back to school in a more comfortable state than the last time you were in this position in August.  Everything is more settled, and it feels good to miss people/an environment that has grown to feel more homey every week.  Arriving at campus and reuniting with your friends and your room feels good, as if you’ve come full circle.


  Going home for fall break as a freshman is a nice reminder that everything at home stays relatively the same.  Your normal old life is always waiting for you if you need it, and fall break is at the perfect time of the year to reaffirm and prove that, while simultaneously reminding you of all the great parts of college that make you want to go back.   



All gifs courtesy of giphy.com.

Her Campus at Emory University