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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

With the end of term quickly approaching, the usually reliable Woodruff Library is inching back into the grossness associated with exams season. Tack on security guards with a sudden strictness on food, and it seems too easy to give up on studying and head back early. Luckily, there are plenty of study options available for when Club Lib just isn’t cutting it for you.

Cox Hall Computer Lab

While this one isn’t such a secret, it is usually not the first study space that comes to an Emory student’s mind. Convenience wins for this one, located just above Cox Hall—perfect for when you’re starving mid-essay! Even better are the variety of seating options: if you’re lucky, you may be able to snag one of the private, Mac Desktop floor cushion set ups. Otherwise, you can enjoy couches, beanbag chairs, and even private classrooms. Cox Hall Computer Lab even lets you rent laptops and headphones.

French/Italian Department in Callaway

While Callaway can seem nonstop during classes, the fourth floor holds a nice study spot, with couches, cool pillows, and on occasion, free snacks. It’s totally convenient if you need a spot to finish a paper (or sneak in a nap) before class. 

Health Sciences Library

Another Emory favorite, this one is usually unknown to non-biology students. Just over the Bio Bridge, you can enjoy the silence and cleanliness while you study amongst possibly no one you know. Usually filled with grad students, you won’t have to worry about the distraction factor of Woodruff Library.

Hugh F. MacMillan Law Library

It’s definitely a hike, but it’s worth the trip. Located across the street from the B-School, the Law Library boasts all the comforts of Woodruff, plus extras like an amazing DVD collection (Legally Blonde, anyone?) and an excessive amount of outlets (we all know the feeling of a near dead laptop). But, be warned, if you’re pulling an all-nighter, this isn’t the place to do it. The Law Lib closes at 2 a.m. on weeknights.  

Center for Ethics

Just past the Anthropology building, the Center for Ethics has great potential for comfortable studying. Look for study chairs if you’re in the mood to relax, and check out the conference rooms for group projects. It’s the perfect place to detach from the craziness that Woodruff Library can posses. 

Happy studying from HC Emory!!

English major
Her Campus at Emory University