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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

Name: Paul
Year: 2012
Hometown: Kansas City
Extra Curriculars: Beta Brotherhood Chair, Goizueta Consulting Club, Fratting  
Her Campus Emory (HCE):Did you expect this nomination at all?
P:Arielle is so sweet. She must have nominated me thousands of times.
HCE: What is your favorite word?
P: Town. I usually add town to the end of any one worded text I send. Suptown is a common one. Downtown is good too. I can pretty much get away with anything as long as “town” is involved.
HCE: What was your college admissions essay about?
P: Honestly, I have no idea.
HCE: What is the worst part about living in a frat house?
P: Paper-thin walls and dub step, but the new carpets are great. I love living in Beta.
HCE: What are you most excited about?
P: Arrested Development is coming back. The Bluth family is magical, and Tobias Funke is a visionary. Also, I think we can all be thankful for the reemergence of DunkAroos.
HCE: What is the best present you’ve ever received?
P: One year for my birthday I got a box full of Fruit by the Foot and glow in the dark Band-Aids. Thanks Mom.