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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

There are a lot of rules in the fashion world.

“Don’t mix blue and navy”

“Never wear white after Labor Day”

“Never mix patterns”

BLAH BLAH BLAH. Rules are meant to be broken. So here’s a lesson on how to break the “golden” rule of fashion – never mix hardware. 

This rule basically says that one should never wear gold and silver together as such an action would be sartorial suicide. Pairing silver and gold is refreshing, stylish and so totally in this season. Don’t be afraid to color outside the line, no–actually scribble outside the lines with your jewelry.

The colors will contrast each other nicely and play up any look that needs a bit of umph to make it look fab. Mixing hardware is especially awesome on those days when you just can’t decide if you should accessorize with silver jewelry or gold. Easy answer: both!

The best way to rock this style is with bright colors or neutrals (so basically with anything). Honestly, the only way you could really mess this look up is if you wear tin foil and a gold chain around your neck.

So, break the rules this week and wear it all!

Images via: WhoWhatWear and Talenthouse 



Her Campus at Emory University