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Brian Konig (’16), Epic Snapchatter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

The end of second semester is quickly approaching, and the stress of finals might be making you crazy–but Brian’s finals procrastination turned him into a Snapchat star! Meet the talent behind some of the most epic Snaps you’ll probably ever see.


Her Campus Emory (HCE): Where do you get your ideas for these Snapchats?

Brian Konig (BK): One of the first ones I did was Finding Nemo. After that, a friend suggested I come up with a theme, so we ended up deciding to recreate all the Pixar movies.


HCE: Why do you make them?

BK: The very first one I did was me as Miley on the wrecking ball. I did that one while I was in the library “studying” for finals. A friend posted it on Facebook and everyone loved it, so I started coming up with more to do.



HCE: Who do you send them to?

BK: It really depends on how I’m feeling that day. If it’s a really good snap, I’ll send it to every one of my Snapchat friends and post it on my story. If it’s solid, I’ll send it only to my good friends and post it on my story. If it’s just pretty good, I’ll only post it as my story. I always post them as my story, just so all my friends can seem them if they want. I like to keep track of how many people screenshot them.


HCE: How long does it take you to make a snap chat?

BK: Some take longer than others. More basic ones take about 30 minutes. More detailed and difficult ones take more like an hour. I usually do them while I’m waiting for my laundry. I can usually get one done while my clothes are in the dryer. 


HCE: What’s the process like? What are some of your favorite creations?

BK: One of the most difficult parts is positioning my face. You have the get the size and position just right. Sometimes I have to have friends take the picture of my head so it’s small enough. I take the picture and then kind of sketch it out to make sure the size and everything is right. Once it’s right, I draw the background, then the foreground, and then I outline it all in black. Getting just the right colors is difficult too. The color palette on Snapchat isn’t very advanced, so if I want to go back to a color I used before, it’s really hard to find that exact color again. So that’s definitely a big challenge. 


I think my best creations are Toy Story, Up, and Brave. I also just think my face in the Pixar lamp is hilarious. The most popular ones seem to be The Incredibles and Ratatouille, but not because of the drawing. Everyone thinks my face just looks really funny in both of them. 




BK: I just want to say that I’ve really enjoyed my 15 minutes of fame, even though I made that Buzzfeed myself.


Here is Brian’s infamous Buzzfeed! As if you didn’t need to learn about the most epic way ever to procrastinate.


Her Campus at Emory University