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5 Reasons Why Spring Break is Better with Your Best Friends

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

As we get older, spring break gets more and more special, and we start to NEED a break from school. It is often hard in college because we go from spending 24/7 with your BFFs to not seeing them for a whole week. There is an easy solution! Go on spring break with your best friends!

1. You get a personal photographer.

Source: http://giphy.com/gifs/colbertlateshow-stephen-colbert-late-show-switch-it-up-l3vRhDQrmQ6Rj4Y4E

Spring break is all about the ‘gram, and it’s not ideal to ask your parents to take your picture. Although they claim they are “great photographers,” you end up with pics that are blurry and zoomed, and you miss out on the ~candids~ only your BFFs can bless you with. Your friends are also not afraid to tell you when that pose is just not working. Selfies are a good time, but you don’t want a whole feed of just selfies. (Special bonus: you get great pics WITH your friends too!)

2. They won’t judge you when you aren’t looking your best.

Source: http://giphy.com/gifs/too-much-XYd7FpfNvHAE8

Regardless of if you went too hard last night or are using spring break to go makeup-free and not dress up, your best friends won’t judge you.

3. Fun adventures.

Source: http://giphy.com/gifs/springbreakers-spring-break-26BoCAp9VGdVP5v9K

Your family doesn’t always have the same taste for adventure as you and your friends. Your friends are always down for a great adventure. This can be a new restaurant, a road trip, or zip lining.

4. You don’t have to miss them or catch each other up when you get back.​Source: http://giphy.com/gifs/hulu-snl-saturday-night-live-nbc-l0MYubUmOpan3SyfS

After spending so much time with your BFFs, it’s hard to spend a week away, but if you spring break together you don’t have to worry about missing them. You also don’t have to worry about trying to find time to Facetime because you always get to see their beautiful faces.

5. Great Memories.

Source: http://giphy.com/gifs/stacerizz-xT8qBfYxkBGK4zwbYs

It’s for the mems, and think of all the mems you can make on spring break together. There will be great stories to tell your grandchildren when you are old ladies that are living next door to each other and still hanging out all the time.

Spring break is what all students look forward to in the spring, and it just gets better when you have your best friends to enjoy it with. 

Her Campus at Emory University