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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emory chapter.

Yes, we all do it. We lie to ourselves all the time. Whether you admit it or just want to add another lie to your list, you’re absolutely guilty of at least one of the following:


  1. “I’m on a diet for formal season.” We all know you won’t be able to pass on late-night Zaya’s or Domino’s.

  2. “I’m just going to start the assignment.” And sure enough, you find yourself struggling to finish the paper in the stacks the day it’s due.

  3. “I’m going to look cute for class today.” But then you snooze your alarm to 20 minutes before your first class starts, and you drag yourself out of your room in sweats and a t-shirt.

  4. “Only one more episode of Netflix.” Five hours and two seasons later, you’re still watching in bed.

  5. “I can’t go out tonight. I have too much to do tomorrow.” And then around 10 o’clock, the FOMO hits, and you sprint to the bathroom to do your makeup.  

  6. “I’m going to grab a quick bite at the DUC.” Except everyone and their mother passes by, and you can’t resist on catching up with some friends while procrastinating homework.

  7. “I’m working out later.” But there’s your bed.

  8. “I have nothing to wear.” So how do you explain all those shirts and blouses hanging in your closet?

  9. “There’s no way I’m skipping my class tomorrow.” Your bed wins. It usually does.

  10. “I’m going to do so well in all my classes.” But now it’s April, and we have five weeks left and you’re not doing too hot. It’s time to get it together!

Her Campus at Emory University