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What ‘Parks and Recreation’ Character Are You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Aries: You are Leslie Knope

You are driven in your path and want to achieve your goals as quickly as possible. Just like Leslie Knope, you are passionate and outgoing. Your friends mean the world to you and you remain loyal to them, as long as they do the same for you!

Taurus: You are Ron Swanson

If you had to choose, you would decide that everything should always remain the same, as you don’t like when they change. You are a reliable friend who is always there for the people that you care about (even if you don’t always show it). Just like Ron, you wish that everyone would just say things like they are, but even when the people you care about don’t, you continue to love them anyway.\

Gemini: You are Jean-Ralphio Saperstein

Just like Jean-Ralphio, you are passionate about everything you do! You are always one to start projects, but don’t always see them through to the end. Even when situations are somber, you always know how to make everything more entertaining.

Cancer: You are Chris Traeger

You have the biggest heart, and it is filled with nothing but positive energy towards the people who mean the most to you. Improving yourself is something that you spend a lot of time on, because you always want to be the best person you can be! Just like Chris, you are great at bringing people together. Sometimes you overthink things too much, but when this happens, you know that the friends you have made will always have your back, just like you have theirs.

Leo: You are Tammy Swanson

You are not easily embarrassed, and when it comes to things that you want, you will stop at nothing to get them. Just like Tammy, you are outgoing and know how to command the attention in whatever room you are in. You are also powerful and do not care what others think.

Virgo: You are Ben Wyatt

You are a reliable friend that others love having around, just like Ben! While some people might find you a little nerdy, you embrace your interests and use them to your advantage. You are organized and smart, just like Ben, which helps you succeed in your career.

Libra: You are Ann Perkins

Everyone loves your personality, because when it comes to friendships, no one does it quite like you. You hate conflicts, and try to avoid them at all costs. You hate hurting other people’s feelings, just like Ann, and will try to do anything to make up for it if you do.

Scorpio: You are Donna Meagle

Like Donna, you don’t take crap from anyone, but you still manage to be well-liked by your peers. Though you struggle to open up to people, you love to go out and have fun. You don’t like to leave yourself vulnerable, just like Donna, and because of that, the people around you see you as a strong and powerful person.

Sagittarius: You are Andy Dwyer

Everyone loves your sense of humor! Just like Andy, you love making people laugh and helping them have a good time. You have a light-hearted nature that helps you connect to so many different people. You don’t always take life seriously, but when it comes to those you love, you’ll do anything to make them happy!

Capricorn: You are Tom Haverford

You have a passion for fashion and buying things you might not need, just like Tom. You are full of ambition, and when things don’t go right, you’re not afraid to scrap an idea and start all over again. You are super confident in who you are and what you want in life.

Aquarius: You are April Ludgate

You are are truly one of a kind, and you make sure to forge your own path in life. Just like April, you are not afraid to be who you are, no matter how weird others might think you are! Nothing annoys you more than people who do the same thing every day to fit in.

Pisces: You are Shauna Malwae Tweep

Like Shawna, you are sweet and sensitive. You have a creative nature about you and it helps in making people love you. You come across as a little dreamy and whimsical, but it really just helps people love you even more!

Talia is the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at Emerson. Talia is also a Chapter Advisor, Region Leader, and HSA Advisor. She has previously worked as an intern for the national headquarters of Her Campus in the community management department. Talia is a Writing, Literature, and Publishing major at Emerson College in a 4+1 combined bachelor's and master's program in publishing. She is an aspiring writer and publisher. Talia is known for living life with her journal, a pen, and three lovely cats.
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