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Two for Tea & Tea for You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

My mother, having grown up in London, raised me with the mantra that a cup of tea will always make everything better. As I’ve grown up and started drinking tea, I can’t help but agree. There are so many types of teas with different effects and flavors, so there’s bound to be one for you. Here are a few of my favorites that you should try!

Herbal Teas:

Chamomile tea is my absolute favorite herbal tea. It’s the most calming tea and significantly reduces stress and anxiety when one drinks it. I swore by chamomile tea last semester to help deal with stress. Warning: It may help you sleep but don’t drink it too close to bed time unless you want to be getting up every 10 minutes for the bathroom.

Passion tea is another great herbal tea. I’m sure that you remember the times when everyone’s go-to Starbucks drink in the summer was an iced passion tea lemonade. You may have never known what that even was. Most passion teas are made from a mix of flowers. It is absolutely delicious and has a nice tangy flavor, not to mention a killer reddish-pink color. If you don’t like sour drinks, try iced passion tea. The coldness numbs the sour flavor a little and this way you don’t have to add any sugar or sweetener.

Fruity Teas:

Two of my favorite fruity teas are lemon and peach. Not only does lemon tea taste delicious and fresh, but it also has a lot of benefits! It’s extremely hydrating, freshens breath, and aids in digestion. Peach tea is a delicious drink that can be enjoyed hot or iced and acts as an alternative to some sugary drink, seeing as it tastes so good without added sugar or honey.

Black Teas:

Black teas are the best, in my opinion. They have a taste so distinct and delicious that you can’t resist! Even the smell of a tea bag will take you to another place. Technically, that place might be India. Some of the best black teas, such as Assam, Ceylon, and Darjeeling are grown in South Asia, and they all have their own distinct taste. Assam is slightly coppery, and is for you if you like something a little metallic and fresh-tasting. Ceylon has a bold taste and is slightly spicy. Darjeeling is a little more bitter. I think that Darjeeling is definitely an acquired taste. 

These are just some of the hundreds of types of teas out there. Use these as your starting point and explore the world of tea until you find what you love. Remember that brewing teas and types of milk you use in your black teas also affects the strength and the taste, so play around until you find the tea for you!

Emerson contributor