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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

The next hot trend is here, and it is something that we have all been using since we were old enough to pinch our thumb and index finger together… Glitter! The trend of putting glitter just about anywhere on your body is upon us. So here’s where you should sparkle if you want to get ahead of it.

1. On your lips

Can’t you just taste the Instagram likes now?

2. Under your eyes

The moment all college kids have been waiting for. Tired is now the new sexy.

3. On a beard

Don’t like the idea of putting glitter on your skin? Then don’t. Put it on your brother, your boyfriend or your dad.

4. On your butt

Last but never least. Well I don’t know what to say about this one. Caption this?

5. On your toast?

Where will it end?

Julia is junior attending Emerson College for her bachelor of arts degree in journalism. She is originally from a small town in New Hampshire. She enjoys writing about people and feels that everyone has a story to share with the world even if they don't know it yet. 
Emerson contributor