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How to Make the Most of Your Summer Vacation

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

As the days get longer and the temperature rises, it signifies that the school year is coming to an end and the beginning of summer vacation is right around the corner. Unless you are going to school to be a teacher, and sometimes not even in that case, you will never have a summer vacation after graduating college. So enjoy it while you can! Here are some ways on how to make the most of one of your last summers of freedom.

Get a job or internship

While this isn’t the most exciting part about summer vacation, it is an absolute necessity for most (if not all) students. It can be extremely difficult and stressful to manage a job or internship, classes and any other school responsibility during the school, and even if you can, you are typically not getting a ton of hours (and therefore, not a ton of money, either). Summer vacation is a great opportunity to load up on the hours at work or experience and save up for the following school year, when you will most likely not be bringing in as much income. So while working isn’t also exciting or memorable, it is definitely important when trying to make the most of your summer (literally).


While I realize that many of us broke college students do not have the money or even the time to travel extensively to some far-off or exotic country, it is definitely one way to make a summer memorable. If you have the money to travel with your friends or family, or even alone, take advantage of the time off that summer vacation allows you to have. Even if you are unable to take a flight somewhere far away, take a cheaper vacation with some friends to a nearby destination. It’s not the expense of the trip that makes it memorable, but it’s instead about the people you are with and the memories you make.


As many of us have found out, college can be a rather stressful place. Summer vacation allows us the chance to take a break from all the pressure that school places on us. So over vacation, in between making money and traveling, be sure to fit in a little you time to just take a breather. You may end up finding out that the most memorable parts of your summer is when you did absolutely nothing at all. 

Emerson contributor