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Getting Your Dorm Room Holiday Ready

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

When it comes to dorm rooms, we often feel a lack of decorative inspiration. But why should we leave our dorm rooms looking dreary, when there are plenty of ways to bring them from drab to fab in a matter of minutes?

It’s no secret that as college kids we’re on a pretty strict budget, but with these few ideas you can spice up any room for the holidays. Below are a few quick and easy ways to make your dorm room ready for the holidays.


A cute idea for fall is decorating pumpkins. Get your whole floor together to paint, draw, and glitter your pumpkins as a way to add some variety to those dorm rooms. Scatter them across the window sills for the perfect touch of fall. 

Those dorm room doors can get pretty dull, but holidays are the perfect excuse to go all out with your decorations. For Thanksgiving you can create a turkey themed door. Use construction paper and cut out turkey eyes and a beak. Once you have finished those tape them to your door, and if your feeling extra crafty cut out some feathers to make a border of them around your door. It will appear as though the turkey is coming right out of your room, and you’re sure to have the best looking door on your floor.

If you think Thanksgiving is fun decorations wise, Christmas is even better. Christmas lights are just about the cutest thing you can fill your room with year-round, but this time of year gives you the excuse to go a little nuts, so be sure to add extra twinkle to your room. Snow is definitely a must, it would obviously be fantastic if real snow was compatible with our dorm rooms, but a more viable option is cotton. You can find bundles of cotton at your local craft store, bring it back to the dorm, break it up and tape it along your window sill for some holiday charm. Because we can’t have our own trees, this doesn’t mean ornaments are off-limits. Grab a group of friends or floor mates and host an ornament decoration party, fasten the final products to your door with some adhesive strips and you have college friendly ornaments.

Living in dorms can be a bit tricky for those of us who love to embrace our inner holiday spirit. So grab some friends and floor mates to get together in order to make your rooms fun and festive for this time of year. Have a blast!

I am a Freshman Journalism major at Emerson College.
Emerson contributor