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Dear Freshmen: 5 Apps to Download Right Now

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

As you’ve probably gathered by now, Emerson is a very connected campus. What else would you expect from a communications school? Emersonians are constantly texting, Tweeting, and messaging – and for good reason. Technology is a great resource for students these days. Here are seven apps to help you out this year!

1. Lyft and/or Uber

If you haven’t gotten sick of the green line yet, believe us, you will. And while taking the T will save you money in the long run, there are times here and there (late nights, rainy days, etc.) where you’ll be tempted to take a cab instead. The even better option though? Uber or Lyft. These competing companies make drivers available to you through your phone 24/7 – and for cheap!

2. Any.Do

As Emersonians, we have a lot on our plates. From coursework and internships to extracurricular groups, we have a lot to think about every day. And luckily, there’s an app for that! Any.Do is a to-do list app that allows you to split up your tasks by “today,” “tomorrow,” “upcoming,” and “someday.” The app allows you to set alarms and notifications, and it counts how many tasks you’ve completed.

3. Eventbrite

Keep up with Boston goings-ons with Eventbrite, a website and app that helps you discover events going on around you. Looking for a concert, a class, or a festival? Search the events listed on Eventbrite! You can even buy (though many events are free!) and download tickets right on your phone and show it at the door to get it!

4. Canvas

Most professors use Canvas as a classroom tool for posting homework, syllabi and grades. And as much as some of them struggle with the technology and as much as we groan about it, it is a resourceful tool – one that you can access on your phone as well. The Canvas app makes it easy to access your class’s information from multiple devices!

5. Timehop

Staying in touch with your high school friends has probably proven itself a challenge in the past couple months, but it definitely isn’t impossible! Texting and Skype are great tools to keep in touch, but so is Timehop, in a way. Timehop hooks up to your camera roll and social media accounts to see what you posted on a certain day, years ago.

With smart phones, we have an infinite amount of resources in our hands. And at Emerson College, there are tons of different ways to put them to use! Download these apps to help you through your first year!

Megan is a Community Manager at Her Campus, working to grow and maintain networks of 3300+ Influencers and 1000+ High School Ambassadors. She conceptualizes and executes new programming initiatives for network members, assists the Integrated Marketing team on paid client campaigns for bloggers and ambassadors, and serves as the public face of both the InfluenceHer Collective and the High School Ambassador Program.
Emerson contributor