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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

It’s easy to let finals consume you. Hours of studying and essay writing can cause exhaustion. It’s easy to turn to junk food and all-nighters, but in reality, that is not going to help you succeed and do well on your finals. Here are some tips to help you stay healthy this finals season:

1. Choose Healthy Snacks

Sometimes, you feel like you don’t have time to eat an entire meal during finals week. If that isn’t an option, opt for snacks like whole fruit and trail mixes. They’ll fill you up with good-for-you nutrients, while being easy to eat in the library. 


2. Get Sleep

Do not pull any all-nighters. Lots of students think this is a rite of passage to finals week, but truthfully, they’re just not worth it. Finding energy from sugary drinks while forcing your eyes to stay glued to the pages of your textbook will leave you feeling awful the next day. Get at least seven hours of sleep and you’ll feel better.


3. Stay Positive

Mental health is so important to focus on during finals week. Plan out one paper to write per day, and block off only a few hours to study. Over-thinking can often cause you to forget material on tests. Stay confident and know that if you’ve paid attention in class, you probably can succeed on that final.


Good luck and study well! HCXO!

Alexandra is a senior at Emerson College studying writing, literature, and publishing.
Emerson contributor