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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Now that our bowls of Halloween candy are empty and we are approaching the happy time of turkey feasting, a lot of us are probably thinking about getting in shape. But it’s that time of year when food is everywhere and I mean, who wouldn’t rather watch Netflix and eat chocolate instead of working out? Getting ourselves out of bed and to the gym can be a tough challenge. It’s a necessary one and is worth it in the end, but that doesn’t mean we don’t hate it sometimes. In fact, working out often looks something like this:

Thinking about working out.

Deciding you don’t need to.

Realizing you really need to.

Changing into your workout clothes and the mental preparation.

Seeing other people at the gym working out

Starting to sweat.

Almost death.

Finally finished

Post-Workout Pig Out

Sara graduated from Emerson College in December 2013 with her B.S. in Marketing Communication. She loves writing, designing and DIY.  Follow her on twitter @SaraWynkoop