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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Let’s face it, we’ve all had a crush at one time or another, possibly even more than one. It’s fun, but sometimes it gets complicated! Below are five ways you know you are crushing on someone else.

1. Constantly waiting for them to text you

You go to bed and wake up wondering when they are going to text you next, and the moment they do, you are jumping for joy, contemplating what to text them.

2. You take the “read” receipt very seriously

When they don’t text back, but they read the message, all hell is about to break loose. You contemplate what they are doing, if they are still interested and if you should double/triple text.

3. Constantly keeping up with their social media accounts

When you are waiting to hear from them, you are nonstop looking at their Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to see if they posted recently. You check up on if they liked another person’s picture, and the moment they do, you freak out.

4. Always on your mind

Ellie Goulding’s song “On My Mind” does you justice. You are constantly thinking about this person; how they look, talk and act. You do whatever you can to see them or talk to them.

5. You’re ready for that kiss

You’ve gone through all the stages of a crush and all you want to do is have that kiss. You wonder how it will play out, where it will be, if they want to kiss you back… It’s a never-ending movie in your mind.

Although a crush may be complicated, just relax! It’s an easy moment to get to know someone better and develop a potential romance.

Emerson contributor