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5 Ways to Treat Breakouts Naturally

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Instead of running out to the drugstore to stock up on skin products, use stuff that you already have in your room, or run to Trader Joe’s for natural alternatives. While topical over-the-counter skin treatments may quickly make breakouts disappear, they are not getting to the root of the problem – unhealthy skin, or skin lacking in essential nutrients. By switching to natural treatments you’ll build healthier skin, which will be less prone to issues.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is my go to for skin toner. It’s a powerful and natural way to treat acne, because it kills off the bacteria on your face, and balances your skin’s PH, making it harder for acne to thrive. Simply dab it on your face using a cotton ball, and let the Apple Cider Vinegar do all the work. If you have sensitive skin, try diluting it with water before applying. Also since it is strong I would recommend using it only once a day, at night.

In addition to being great for your skin, Apple Cider Vinegar is also a great hair rinse, to get rid of product build up. Mix 1 part Apple Cider Vinegar with two parts water, and apply to your hair in the shower after you shampoo, then rinse your hair thoroughly. No need to use conditioner after, because the apple cider vinegar will help detangle and leave your hair silky.

2. White Tea

Another natural way to banish zits, steep a bag of organic white tea in warm water. Then apply to the affected area for around 15 to 20 minutes, it will help reduce the size of the zits. Also by drinking tea you’ll get all the antioxidants internally, which will help prevent future breakouts.

3. Tree Oil

While you may think oil is the last thing you should be putting on your face when breaking out, that’s simply not true. But make sure it’s the right type of oil; Tree Oil is different from the oil your skin naturally produces, and cuts through the extra sebum (oil that causes acne), meaning it unclogs your pores while killing bacteria that’s trapped in your pores. Simply apply topically to your zits, but make sure to mix it with water first to avoid irritating your skin!

4. Lemon Juice

If you need to get rid of the redness fast, lemon juice is the way to go! It’s rich in vitamin C, and the citric acid is good for exfoliation. Lemon juice is perfect for drying up zits fast, but remember to wash it off your face before going in the sun! If you’re looking to save money, instead of buying lemons, just save your leftover lemons from your drinks.

5. Banana Peel

Perhaps the most eco­-friendly treatment on the list is using a banana peel. It’s just like recycling… well, kind of. This might be the easiest skin treatment yet. Just take a banana peel and rub it on your face. Now this may seem a little strange at first, but bananas are full of antioxidants that reduce inflammation, meaning it gets rid of the redness and swelling of zits fast! Also it promotes healthy cell growth, which is good for your face long term. After 30 minutes, rinse off, and you should notice an immediate improvement. Remember to stock up on bananas the next time you are in the dining hall!

Keep these natural beauty treatments in mind the next time you reach for the benzoyl peroxide. Your skin and hair will thank­ you, and start looking and feeling better! In addition to being better for your skin, natural skin solutions are better for the environment, by reducing your waste. Also remember if none of these work for you, consider seeing a dermatologist to figure out the root cause of zits! 

Caroline is sophomore at Emerson College, studying Media Production. Born and raised in New England she hopes to head out to the west coast after graduation. In her spare time she works on student TV and film productions. One day she hopes to work in the TV industry as a producer or showrunner. Currently her favorite shows are Shameless, Orange is the New Black and Veroncia Mars.
Emerson contributor