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5 Ways to Stay Productive on a Snow Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

With so many snow days it’s hard to not fall into a Neflix induced slump, but that doesn’t mean there’s no work to be done. Often, we let work fall by the wayside as the promise of a full day in bed is too tempting. Here are some great ways to still enjoy your snow day while getting work done.

1. Stick to your routine.

Start your day productive: wake up, take a shower, put on a nice outfit, and do your makeup. By starting your day off with your normal routine, you’ll feel more ready to take on any other tasks planned for the day.

2. Make a list.

Lists are always helpful. Make a list for the day, putting the most urgent and need to be done assignments at the top and things that can be done tomorrow towards the bottom. Then work your way down, crossing out tasks as you complete them. The more tasks that get crossed out, the more productive you’ll feel.

3. Set goals.

Your list might look overwhelming and undoable for the day, and it actually might be. So, instead of aiming to conquer everything, set small goals for yourself. Finish your history assignment by 1 pm and have two pages of your literature essay done by 3. Keep your goals manageable. The more overwhelming your goals are, the more discouraged you’ll be to actually start any work.

4. Reward yourself.

Along with your goals, set rewards. Each time you complete a goal allow yourself time to relax: thirty minutes of Netflix, a snack break, a coffee from Dunkin, or the dining hall with some friends. By giving yourself rewards and taking breaks you’ll give yourself some time to breathe, and working will seem less tedious.

5. Have fun.

While you still might have work to do, snow days are all about relaxing and having fun! So, make sure you give yourself the chance to wind down and relax. Binge watch some Netflix, hang out with friends, or play in the snow. If your snow day becomes all work and no play, is it even a snow day?

Remember, while it’s important to have fun on a snow day, that doesn’t make it a free pass; stay motivated and stay productive.

Lindsey Paradis has loved Boston all her life, and coming from a small Western Mass town she’s had time to enjoy it. Now at Emerson as a Writing, Literature, and Publishing major, she has more than enough time to take in the beautiful city. When she’s not working with preschoolers, Lindsey finds herself writing stories, hanging out with friends, reading her way through Game of Thrones, and watching Sex & the City.
Emerson contributor