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5 Tips to Make Sure You Don’t Get Sick

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Winter is upon us and that means the flu season is in full affect. With all the recent outbreaks and living in close quarters in dorms here are some helpful tips to keep you from getting sick.

  1. Wash your hands. You might think this is so cliche, but its the truth most germs are found in on your hands. They can then spread to your mouth, nose, and eyes when you touch them. That is one of the easiest ways to let germs in your body.
  2. Sleep. You must be thinking she is crazy. “Sleep, I don’t know what that is.” Well try and shoot for 8 hours of sleep a night. To get the 8 hours in on a busy college schedule you might think about short naps here and there to catch up on some zzz’s.

  3. Take your vitamins. It’s important to keep your body nourished and all your vitals stable to allow your body to fight off germs and viruses easier.

  4. Clean high traffic surfaces, this includes door knobs and light switches. Lysol wipes and spray are a must this time of year. Bacteria and germs line major surfaces which can cause you to get sick. Make sure to clean these areas more often than usual.

  5. Get the flu shot. Nothing is a better protector of the flu than a flu shot. Unfortunately this year more and more outbreaks of the flu are being reported. Some people have even died from the flu this year.

Stay healthy this flu season.


Emerson contributor