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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elon chapter.

With the school year winding down, it can be easy to slip into a slump. Especially for seniors, the long-awaited moment of graduating from college is just a blink away. Spending time with friends and getting those last minute “bucket list” items completed can quickly overtake the responsibility of schoolwork. But the last thing you want to do is neglect assignments and leave things to the last minute because before you know it, the semester will be over.

  1. Find the perfect quiet study space

    With exams quickly approaching, it’s important to take the appropriate time needed to refocus and study. The last thing you want to do is cram! You definitely don’t want to slip up in the final weeks and end up doing poorly in your final assignment in a class, especially when it’s a good chunk of your grade.

  2. Don’t be afraid to ask for help

    College students can get overwhelmed pretty easily. It’s okay to ask to ask a professor, tutor or fellow classmate for some help with class work, especially if it’s something you don’t understand. You shouldn’t be afraid to ask either! The chances are you aren’t the only one.

  3. Review your due dates

    Take an hour or so during your free time to look over your syllabus for each class, with your agenda in hand, and make sure you have all the correct due dates for papers, tests and other assignments. You don’t want to forget an important date!

The end of the school year doesn’t have to be as stressful as you think. With these tips, in addition to your own remedies, you can finish the year on a high note, and if you’re a senior, your undergraduate career!