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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elon chapter.

My First Hot Yoga Class


It’s a Tuesday afternoon and I see two of my friends in the dining hall dressed in head-to-toe Lululemon. They tell me they are going to hot yoga and ask if I want to join. At first I say no, but after a few minutes pass I decide to join them for my first ever hot yoga class.


Did I have any preconceived notions, OH YES. I was expecting to a) feel dizzy and faint from the heat and b) I thought it would smell like stinky feet.


Boy oh boy was I wrong… and truth is i’m now hooked on hot yoga.


I walked into the hot yoga studio close to my school and immediately felt welcome. The first thing I thought was “boy is it hot in here.” The heat is strong, but after a few minutes, I got used to it. I set up my matt, refilled my water, and sat with my legs crossed ready to start.


Five minutes in and I was already more sweaty than I ever get doing a typical gym workout. I was unfamiliar with some moves but followed the ladies in front of me. For being someone who has never been flexible, I was amazed by how flexible the heat made my body feel.


I truly have never sweat more in my entire life. By the second half of the class I was reaching to wipe my face on the towel every 10 seconds, but I loved the feeling. I felt free. I felt connected to my body. I felt relaxed.


At the end we did slow stretches and I began to cool down. After a work-filled Tuesday, sitting in child’s pose for a good 5 min (or at least what felt like 5 min) felt amazing.


So now my favorite part… to finish the class we got a cool lavender towel to place on our eyes. I am a VERY high strung person, so this was the most relaxing and satisfying thing EVER.


So long story short: I’m addicted to hot yoga… and you will be too. I was so afraid to try it but the experience ended up being so relaxing and rewarding.