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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elon chapter.

In the current day of iPhones and YouTube, one of the newest trends the internet world loves is vlogging. Vloggers document their lives through film and put them online for followers to watch. Current Elon student Michelle Connor has recently entered the world of vlogging. See what she has to say about it below:

Name: Michelle Connor

Grade: Freshman

Major: Strategic Communications

Hometown: Nehant, Massachusetts

How did you become interested in Vlogging?: I watch a lot of youtubers and seeing them do cool edits and incorporate music seemed really fun, and I think it is a good way to document your life.

How do you decide what to make your videos about?: When big events happen or there are fun events with my friends.

How long does the editing process typically take?: It takes about three hours I’d say.

Do you have any favorite current vloggers?: Sammy Robinson and Olivia Jade.

Do you have any big hopes for your vlogs or are they just for fun?: Just doing them for fun right now.

Any suggestions for people interested in becoming a vlogger?: They should just do it and not be scared!

What is your dream job?: Being a brand ambassador.

Check out Michelle Connor on YouTube to see where her vlogs will take her!


I am a Freshman at Elon University and originally from Philadelphia, PA. I am currently obtaining a degree in Strategic Communications. I have always loved to write, and Her Campus provides an amazing platform to connect with other college females around the world!