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Living In The South As Told By A Northerner

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elon chapter.

If you’re from the North and go to school in the South, you’ll agree when I say that the two are very different from one another. Everyone can agree that the culture shock one expereinces can be pretty extreme. Here are few examples of just how different the North and South are: 

  1. Friendliness:

Being from New York, no one would dare look at you in the eye, let alone open a door for you. Random people walking by will wave their hand at people they have never met before. Dont get me wrong, the friendliness is refreshing, but it can sometimes feel TOO friendly…


    2. Snow:

The fact that classes get cancelled when there is less than an inch on the ground is hilarious. If this was New York, even if you are incapable of getting into your car, school would sitll be in session. 


   3. Ma’am:

If you dare call someone ma’am in New York, you best believe you will get slapped in the face. When walking around down south, I know they say ma’am in a respectful manner, but I still have a small inkling that they are insulting me. 


  4. Cookout:

During my first week down South my friends asked me if I wanted to go to Cookout. I thought I was going to go to some barbeque, but boy was I wrong. It turns out cookout is a Southern fast-food restaurant, so don’t be fooled!


  5. Sweet Tea:

We’ve all heard about sweet tea, it’s a phenomenon. After I took my first sip of Sweet tea I loved it, but as I took a second sip I could feel the sugar running through my veins. Why would someone like such a thing… WHY?


   6. Ya’ll:

Ya’ll is a word that if you were to say it in New York, you will make heads turn. It is a very easy word to pick up on even after a brief few days. There have been a few times where I have said it, and it freaked me out. I will admit, it is quicker and more fun to say!