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How to Survive the Mid-Semester Slump

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elon chapter.

The mid-semester slump is something all college students struggle with. So what should you do when you get hit with it?


1.     Treat yourself: As the weather gets colder and the work piles on, treat yourself to that new sweater you have been wanting or that ultra-cute mug you have been obsessing over. A little pick me up present to yourself is a great way to get over the slump.


2.     Reorganize: Reorganize your room, your notes or your life! Get organized and ready to tackle the second half of the semester. Reorganizing will make it easier to tackle the challenges of the second half of the semester. Do you know that great feeling at the beginning of the year when you get all new school supplies? This is the mid semester pick me up equivilant.


3.     Prioritize: as the work gets tougher and clubs ramp up, it is important to prioritize! You are human and can only do so much. This means maybe skipping the optional stuff even if it sounds fun. Evaluate what’s important to you and what you have to do and from there make lists and prioritize what you need to do.



4.     Sleep: As it gets colder and flu season hits full force it is extra important to get enough sleep. Not getting enough sleep can wreak havoc on your GPA and your body.  Getting adequate sleep in the number one thing you can do for your body to help get over the mid-semester slump.


5.     Practice self-care: Do something nice for yourself! This could be a facemask, bullet journaling or listening to music. It’s all about what makes you happy and feel good. Everyone needs a break sometimes. Taking care of yourself means you won’t burn out and your quality of work will be higher.


Surviving the mid-semester slump is all about self-care and organization. Get ready to slay the second half of the semester!


Currently working as the Marketing and Events Intern in Her Campus's Internship Program!