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The Beauty of Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elon chapter.

As the youngest in my family, I have heard several times to cherish my time at college. With every holiday that rolls around, I hear from siblings and cousins, “I wish I could be in your shoes” or “Enjoy every second of it.” In high school, I never went outside my normal routine. I was the shy girl that wouldn’t open up to anyone. I played sports and was involved in clubs, but never put myself out on a limb. I had a routine, and I was comfortable. But when I got to Elon, I knew I wanted to change that in order to make my time here count. I knew I had to break through my comfort zone even though it would be awkward, stressful and hard at first, but the outcome would be worth it because of these three things: 


1. Freedom

College is all about freedom. You no longer have to ask your parents permission or check in with anyone, so why should you still be limited? My comfort zone limited me from doing things that are now a part of who I am. I am free from the stress of the fear from failing. But is the fear of failing worth not living a full life? Even if you fail, life goes on.




2. Confidence

I was always cautious not to let anyone catch me dancing or singing because I knew I was not the best at either even though I love both. Now I am the girl that tears up the dance floor with the sprinkler, shopping cart and tons of embarrassing “dad dance moves.” 


3. New Friends

Coming to college, I left my town, state, friends, family–everything that is familiar that I have grown up with. When I finally got to Elon, I was forced to meet new people, make new friends and get into a new routine. I’m not going to lie, there were hours of small talk and name games, but through all the forced mingling that Elon provides, I found a group of friends that I can count on for anything. 


The summer after freshman year, my family members told me how much I had changed. They followed up by saying how they like who I am now much better because I seem happier. Elon is my happy place. I have been able to grow here and become my true self. Overall, college is an adjustment and change is bound to happen, but change doesn’t have to be scary. Change is just a part of life.