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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elon chapter.


While it’s still the start of the semester, it won’t be too long until we’re all swept into the whirlwind that is assignments, tests and projects. With that being said, it’s important to take a step back when you’re feeling stressed and try to bring a little relief back into your day. It can take time to find the one thing that helps you de-stress, so here are some things that you can do to speed up that process.

1. Exercise

Now this may sound a little too much, but I can assure you that it works. When you exercise your body gets an endorphin boost which helps reduce stress. There is actual research that shows that 20 minutes a day can help reduce overall-stress. You don’t have to go and lift dumbbells either. You can simply go on a walk around your neighborhood!

 2. Unplug for half an hour, or the rest of the night

Sometimes it’s technology that’s leading to an increase in stress. Whether it’s following up on your ex, checking grades, making sure you’ve finished all of your work for the day, etc. it can get to be too much. Take the opportunity to silence your phone, stay off of social media and unplug for the night, or a brief amount of time. Discarding the screen for the night will also help your brain produce more melatonin to fall asleep faster.

3. Practice Wellness

I used to think that wellness wasn’t something that people should really take the time to do, but it is actually extremely important to do. If you’re just started to practice and want to look into meditating, there are countless apps to help you start! If you don’t want to download an app you can also start by looking up videos on YouTube.

4. Make a Gratitude Log

When you’re having a stressful day, it can help to look back on moments that mad you happy and excited. I’ve always loved the idea of starting a gratitude jar at the beginning of a new year or semester. All that you do is take a mason jar and fill them with post-it notes and write down moments that made you happy on them, roll them up and put them in the jar. 

5. Have a Pamper Night

Sometimes all that you need to do is slather on a face mask, run a warm bath and relax in the tub to sooth yourself. Treating yourself to these things when you’re having a hard day is great for the body and mind because you’re giving your body some TLC while giving your mind a break. You can even ask friends to join in!

We all have stressful days. It’s important to find the best way for you to de-stress when those days come along. Whether it’s alone or with some friends, the above tips are great places to start when you feel like you’re stuck and out of resources to do so.