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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Elon chapter.

With midterm season quickly approaching it is necessary to practice self-care amid this stressful time. As Elon students, we are constantly on the go, running from class to rehearsal to a meeting to SOMEWHERE. It is important to take breaks to prevent burn out. Here are 20 ideas of different ways to take a break!

  1. Go for a walk. It will wake you up and you will get your “nature-fill.” Trust me, your body will thank you. Even better – get a friend to join you.

  2. Stretch. Again, this will wake you up and release stress tension in your body. It is a simple way to take a break wherever you are.

  3. Take a shower. Nothing like a good ole shower to cleanse your stress and relax for a few minutes.

  4. Paint your nails. Practice some self-care by doing something fun and pampering yourself a bit. Look good, feel good.

  5. Call your family. They’ll appreciate it and it’ll give you a break from homework.

  6. Go to Smitty’s. TREAT YOURSELF. Ice cream cures (almost) everything.

  7. Watch a show. Monday night Bachelor anyone? And if you don’t have a whole hour or two to watch a show, watch a short Youtube video!

  8. Make yourself a hot cup of tea. A cup of comfort! Not only is this good for you, but it also gives you a chance to stand up and walk around.

  9. Bake cookies. Or bake something. Deliver them to your friends to give someone else a break, too.

  10. Facetime a friend. Call a friend from back home. Or a friend who lives steps away from you. Either way, it’s a good way to take a break and share some laughs.

  11. Take a few deep breaths. This is good for your body and mental health and can relieve stress and tension.

  12. Clean your room. De-cluttering your living space is a great way to alleviate some stress. Blast some jams and it can even be kind of fun.

  13. Go to the Maker’s Hub. This is a great resource at Elon. Go take a break, let your creativity flow and get crafty.

  14. Eat dinner with friends. You should be eating dinner anyway, so might as well make it a friend date.

  15. Sit on a swinging chair. Go to the lake next to Global and rock in one of the chairs. Just beware of the swan.

  16. Practice gratitude. Write down a couple things you are grateful for to put things into perspective. This will instantly give you a happiness boost.

  17. Paint a picture. Grab some friends and some paints and get creative.

  18. Mail someone a letter. Snail mail is rare nowadays so it is meaningful to receive a handwritten note. Mail one to a friend, your parents, your grandparents, or whomever.

  19. Dance. Turn on your favorite song, let loose, and just dance like nobody’s watching. Physical activity will reset your focus.

  20. Take a nap. Ah, my favorite. Practice some self-care and catch up on some (probably much needed!) zzz’s.