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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Eckerd chapter.

Ways to Deal with Stress

Wondering how to get through the stressful times including, looking for a summer job, trying to keep a school relationship alive, or even trying to figure out what your life goals are? These are just part of the stressful things that happen in a college student’s life. I have some tips here that have helped me and countless others get through some really difficult and crazy times.

  • When dealing with a stressful relationship with your significant other or a friend the best thing to do is to talk things out with them. Of course, only after you both have calmed down and can think rationally. By holding things in would cause more stress between you two or others. I’ve found that talking helps people get through stressful situations.
  • Stressing about finding a job or internship? Just know there is so much you can apply to and the best way to get somewhere is showing how much you want that job or internship. Show yourself to them, give them something to make yourself standout against the others in a positive way, and be yourself. Even speak with people around you in an everyday setting about your goals, you never know what opportunities can be brought up to you.
  • Stressed about what you want in life? Trust me everyone else around you is feeling the exact same way! We’re too young to know exactly what we want, and we haven’t experienced enough of the world to really know, but the best part to get yourself through that is to keep your options open and experience new things. Positivity will lead you to your true goal or passion in life.
  • The best way to get through a stressful exam or project is to just take breaks and relax. It’ll open your mind and not make you freeze up during the exam. Yes there’s a lot of stuff to remember I know the feeling, but you can do it! Just know once you take that test or finish that project, you’re done!
  • When hit with a lot of things at once can cause a crazy amount of stress because you don’t know where to begin. So the best way I have learned and others have done is just to make a list. If you are experiencing social problems take some time to yourself to gather your thoughts on what’s going on before you try to take action. It’ll help you get through things one step at a time.
  • Also try to learn to meditate in your own way. It doesn’t mean you have to sit in silence and think, it can be going to the gym, taking a nice walk, or even, taking a shower; whatever can get your mind off the immediate and give you time to think.

I hope this helps all of you in times of stress especially during finals week! My best solution is finding a dog and asking the owner if I can please pet him/her for a few minutes, and it always puts me in a calmer mood. Otherwise everyone have a great summer and accomplish great things, and just know stress is normal but everything will work out in its own course.  


Please enjoy this adorable picture of a puppy!