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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Eckerd chapter.

Professor Brunello

I first met Professor Brunello when my Human Experience class joined his class because of my professor’s absence.  Right away he made me feel welcomed to his class, and he even passed around chocolate at the beginning of class the second day of our joint participation.  I could tell right then that he was a passionate professor who loved his job.

Professor Brunello teaches Political Science classes here on Eckerd’s campus. In the past he has attended Santa Rosa Junior College, University of California at Davis, and the University of Oregon.  Since achieving both his M.S. and PhD from the University of Oregon he considers the school his alma mater.  Professor Brunello tells me how becoming a professor was not his plan until junior year at UC Davis.  He tells me that, “The idea of going to graduate school was put in my head there by some of my professors.”  However, he notes that this was not the plan his mother had intended for him, and she is still disappointed that he never attended law school. The Eckerd community is glad that Professor Brunello became a professor because he has become a crucial mentor for many students on campus. 

His favorite part of being a professor “is planning to create, and on occasion, seeing those moments when students become excited about learning.”  He has always been passionate about politics, and he loves teaching students about the subject.  Professor Brunello brought up a wise point during our interview when he told me, “I have learned that the measure of my success in my career and life is only measured by the success of my students.”  That statement clearly demonstrates his dedication to his students and passion for teaching.

Professor Brunello advises students to “study what you love and are passionate about.”  He points out that if you are love what you study, you will get better grades, and therefore get more out of your education.  He also advises students to always be reading a book for your own pleasure.  Professor Brunello practice what he preaches and when asked described to me five books that he has read over the last two months. 

Professor Brunello is a passionate and kind professor who has really contributed to the Eckerd community.  He has helped the community to grow and is an excellent mentor to students of all kinds.  Also, the way to his heart is through salsa.  He told me that he always has some in his refrigerator and is in love with any kind.  I have to admit, who does not love salsa? If you are a student in needs of finding another class to suit your schedule, take one of Professor Brunello’s classes!  You will not regret your decision!