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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Eckerd chapter.

Hurricane Season

Hello fellow Eckerdians! Just so you know or may have noticed it is in fact hurricane season. This week’s rain status has been extremely weird for those of you not understanding or knowing the Florida weather patterns. I have lived in Florida my whole life and will tell you from personal experience that it’s extremely strange but can also be super fun at the same time.

Usually storms here last about 20 minutes and then they disappear giving you a beautiful and glorious day to tan and hangout outside, but from the storms we experienced this week, they have lasted all day long. It is hurricane season so storms are going to happen and they will last all day long. Although Florida hasn’t been hit in years by a hurricane that doesn’t mean we get some intense storms. Hurricanes sometimes don’t form completely and as they travel they just become tropical storms which is what we have been experiencing but just not very strong ones. We are experiencing hurricanes that just didn’t make it. These storms aren’t scary but they can be fun.

Our school is a major flood zone and when we get the slightest rains our school floods all over which if we use to our advantage can make for some awesome study breaks. I know its testing week for tons of students right now and I posted that awesome study session tips for you, this week I’ll give you an insight on a fun way to break from that time.

If it rains this week just drop what you’re doing and go frolicking in the rain! Especially if you are in your room just run outside and play in the rain. It is a great way to blow off some steam and stress that’s building up and just release it. I did this last year during finals week and it was a great way to just let loose for a few minutes and forget about things I was stressing out about. I should tell you not to do it during a thunder storm though since you never know. But during those showers even if they’re light ones just run outside and soak in that cool refreshing water and play around in the puddles. 


I know some are scared to death of the thunder and lightning and that is also normal but just take it as a blessing as well to stop doing your homework and maybe take a nap. This way you don’t crash your computer if a storm surge comes through and you won’t get too worked up about the thunder. Plus sleeping to the rain is super relaxing. By the time you wake up the storm will be gone and you can get back to work.

Also I should warn about some puddles that I just recently experienced not to step on or in especially if you are wearing nice shoes or are carrying a bunch of stuff in your hands you don’t want to drop and get wet. The places that are on a slope or by the grates or any sort of covering on the ground in the grass, they are secretly holding a ton of water and if you step on them or in them you will sink, slip or splash.

Some handy things you might want to have for this beautiful weather is a good rain jacket that repels water instead of soaks it, water proof shoes like rain boots or rubber flip-flops, and an umbrella. If your rain jack doesn’t fit over your back pack it is good to have a umbrella so you can protect your bag that’s holding that fancy computer or cell phone you’re carrying around. I used that technique this week and my things were kept perfectly dry. The shoes help so you’re not walking around in wet sneakers and socks or ruining your good pair of shoes you own. Also when you wake up in the morning check your weather station to make sure you’re not caught in the rain without any of these wonderful rain proof items.

Goodluck studying this week everyone and goodluck on your tests! I hope my weather report will save you from getting wet as well as give you a nice study break!