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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Eckerd chapter.

Fuel for Finals

With finals coming up the only thing more important than studying is fueling up. It is extremely important to make sure that you are properly nourishing your body, especially in times of stress. Here are some healthy munchies to get you through the end of semester stress.


Banana, peanut butter, and honey sandwich

Also known as an Elvis, this sandwich is easier to make and more healthy than a peanut butter and jelly sandwich because bananas contain more nutrients than jelly. The important nutrients you will gain from this sandwich are fiber from whole wheat bread and bananas, protein from the peanut butter, and vital vitamins and minerals. Most importantly, bananas contain large amounts of potassium, which is necessary for nerve function.


Luna Bars (or any protein bar)

Luna Bars are marketed as specifically benefiting women but they contain nutrients that both men and women need. Luna Bars provide low calorie option for a quick energy boost. But most important to college students, they taste good. Luna Bars come in over 10 different flavors.


Greek Yogurt and Granola

A great quick and healthy snack is Greek yogurt with granola added for texture and flavor. Most Greek yogurt has approximately twice as much protein as regular yogurt but be sure to get plain Greek yogurt and sweeten it with granola or honey because flavored Greek yogurt contains excessive amounts of sugar. Also, carefully select the granola. Many brands of granola contain overly processed ingredients and excessive amounts of sugar. I personally enjoy Nature Valley’s Protein mix or Kashi granola.


Good luck with finals and remember to stay healthy!