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Is cheating on your diet good for you?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Eckerd chapter.

Is cheating on your diet good for you?

Going on a diet can be super hard for various people because it’s easy to cheat with that one yummy treat! When we are on a diet, we try to cut out calories every day, and restrict many foods from our daily diets, but according to health science, cheating is one of the easiest ways to lose weight.

A hormone called leptin, which is an adipose cell that helps regulate energy balance by inhibiting hunger, starts to break down because of controlled eating. The metabolism also slows down, but overfeeding (or overeating) sometimes can start to increase these hormone levels. “Ramping up carb intake through planned meals after workout and increasesmuscle glycogen, muscle synthesis, and lowers body fat” White says.

Splurging all day is not suggested. Instead,plan a meal to eat one of your favorite foods as a treat. “Go ahead and have the prime rib, baked potato, and split the dessert with your date, “ says White. Everybody has different stomachs so know your body well enough. Not all bodies can intake the same amount of sugar, fat, carbs, etc. If you have gone long days without having too much sugar and carbs, do not dump a load of it back in your body. Small quantities of it will go a long way. 

Treating yourself can be tricky at times, but it is okay to cheat! Enjoy those two Oreo cookies or that slice of pizza you have been craving! Having a cheat meal is deserving but remember to be within control and if you think you will feel guilty after eating this, then it may not be a good option. If you think it will be okay to splurge, go for it! Everyone deserves a little treat at the end of the week.



Source: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2015/03/26/why-cheating-on-your-diet-is-actually-good-for/