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Making Marketplace Your Place

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Duke chapter.

Marketplace can become to feel forced, repetitive, and most clearly not like your home kitchen. Here are a few tips on how to refresh Marketplace, take advantage of what your freshman meal plan is providing you, and help make them best serve your needs!  

1. Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches

Make Marketplace instagram-able! Toast two cookies and put the frozen yogurt of choice between them! Toppings optional! A delicious and beautiful dessert—all part of the meal plan. 

2. Mix and Match Areas of Marketplace    

Treat Marketplace as your kitchen—grab ingredients from any section that will come together to make your ideal meal! If a food is lacking something then look for it elsewhere. I found cinnamon from the yogurt/oatmeal section for my coffee! Honey from the hot drinks area is also great in the yogurt! 

3. Grocery Shopping with Equivalency


If you don’t eat at Marketplace for dinner, stop by Trinity Cafe before you go back to your dorm! If you’re not hungry anymore, then make use of your $8 equivalency to grocery shop and fill your fridge. They have a great variety of yogurt, fruit, and bottled drinks that you’ll want for a quick breakfast or snack. 

4. Bring a Travel Mug 

Travel mugs will usually let you take more of your warm beverage with you and help you save paper cups at the same time! Campus coffee sellers like ABP and Starbucks also offer deals for using their store-issued reusable cups when you want to refill during the day on West Campus.

5. Make Your Own Parfait 

Greek yogurt lover? Bring your own plain Greek yogurt to Marketplace and take advantage of the large variety of cut up fruits, fruit compote, and granola that it has available. Delicious, healthy, and easy! 

Lizzie is a freshman at Duke University from New York City. She enjoys spending her summers being a camp counselor on Cape Cod and spending time with her family on the small island of North Haven, Maine. So far, her favorite part of Her Campus has been starting to see every Duke experience and lesson as a new topic to help other girls with or connect with them over. Lizzie is excited to continue writing and evolving this semester!