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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Duke chapter.

Coming back from Thanksgiving Break, I was completely overwhelmed with the amount of work I have to do before the end of the semester. The light at the end of the tunnel though is Christmas break only a couple of weeks away. Then, I remembered how stressful the holiday season can be: the endless search for the perfect presents for my friends, dealing with obnoxious family members who want to know everything about my life, and my mom asking me to help her with cooking, decorating, and wrapping presents. The few weeks before Christmas can be overwhelming (especially after enduring finals). Here are a few ways to avoid unnecessary stress over Christmas and enjoy the holiday season.

Don’t try to see all your old friends.

Over every break, I feel the obligation to reach out to all my old high school friends and try to meet up to reconnect. This can quickly become insanely frustrating; trying to coordinate everyone’s schedules and finding a meeting spot is nearly impossible. So instead of trying to meet up with everyone just focus on the friends that mean the most to you. The girl from high school that you talked to in the hallway occasionally? Your old next door neighborhood that you were friends with as a kid? Pass.

Don’t obsess over finding the perfect gift.

I always stress over getting my best friends gifts that they will love. I interrogate them about what they want most, ask their moms for ideas, and search through the entire mall. However, sometimes the best gifts are the simplest ones. Instead of spending an insane amount of money and time on your friends’ gifts, stick to thoughtful presents. A picture frame with a photo of the two of you or a letter listing all of your best moments together are way more special than a new purse that will go out of style within a year.

Don’t try to attend every social function.

The endless parties around Christmas are fun, but attending too many can leave you tired and unable to appreciate the season. One time, my mom dragged me to three different parties on the same night (you can only eat so many appetizers) and I was so exhausted that I wasn’t able to have a good time at any of them. So, try to attend the gatherings that you know will be filled with the people that mean the most to you. No need to stretch yourself too thin or take on more than you can handle – we already do enough of that at school.

Christmas is my favorite holiday of the year, but sometimes it makes me want to rip my hair out. Instead of trying to do it all, simply relax and appreciate all the wonderful parts of the holiday season like good food, friends, and family.

Freshman at Duke University! I love my friends, running, buying things I can't afford, and watching Gossip Girl.