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An Open Letter To Being Vulnerable

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DU chapter.

Vulnerable: open to harm or damage. I have never really thought of myself as being a vulnerable person because in society, being vulnerable means being weak. The thing is, I’m not weak. But instead I’m almost fearless. I know when I open myself up to others there is always the risk of getting hurt, but I willingly risk getting hurt in order to achieve the close connections and growth that vulnerability grants. I have always been one to take risks and even with the consequences it never seems to stop me.

I’m not weak, I am sensitive, but I think there is a difference between the two. I used to come home everyday crying in elementary school. Most of the time it was because I was getting called names or I had been excluded during recess. It was not until my second year of high school when I realized the true meaning behind those tears. I’ve always been one to put others before myself, because I want the people around me to be happy. When I form a relationship with someone, I put 110 percent into that relationship. That is where it starts; a majority of the time, I do not get that same percentage back. In spite of that happening time after time, that has never stopped me from holding myself back.

I see so many of my friends put their guard up to protect themselves from getting hurt, and I can’t blame them. It’s scary and not easy to open yourself up to people when you’ve gotten hurt so many times before. But that’s the thing about being vulnerable – you’re not scared of getting hurt because you know how incredible the benefits of opening yourself up can be. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that my vulnerability is my best quality and that’s something I will forever be grateful for.

I am a sophomore at University of Denver majoring in Strategic Communication and minoring in Marketing. Some of my favorite things are traveling, spending time with friends and family, going to movies, sports, photography, and eating good food. Follow me on instagram @n_hillll