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What My Internship Teaches Me

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Dickinson chapter.

Since I arrived back on campus for the spring semester, I have been working as a Business Development Intern for a technology software company.  As a second semester Sophomore, I believe that it is important to start exposing myself to different career fields so I can better understand what working in the business and technology fields entails.  Although it can be a challenge to balance school and internship responsibilities all at once, the position has been a valuable learning experience that is definitely worth the time commitment.  

If you are someone who is considering an internship during the school year, it’s important to consider the following aspects:

An internship can provide great insight– As someone who has never had hands on experience in related fields, I can confidently say that pursuing my internship opportunity has allowed me to form a new, well-developed perspective on working in the areas of marketing and software app development. By completing my assigned tasks, I have gained a stronger sense of which aspects I am interested in and which ones I do not enjoy as much.      

It’s a lot of outside/independent work- Although interning is a great opportunity, it requires a certain amount of time each week.  Spending time on internship responsibilities is definitely doable, but it may require setting aside more time in your schedule than anticipated.  As you develop a more consistent routine throughout the semester, it becomes easier to plan ahead of time for when you want to complete any required jobs.     

They’re a great resume builder-  Searching for internships can be quite a competitive process since most sophomores and juniors are all hoping to start making connections and gaining relevant work experience.  Although the application process can be time consuming, it feels great to finally receive a position that can ultimately open up more doors for you in the future.  Adding more work experience to your resume will definitely intrigue potential employers.   

Deciding whether to take on an internship role during the school year can be a difficult choice to make.  However, if you are very interested in a particular opportunity, or merely wish to learn more about an industry, then pursuing a relevant position could definitely be a rewarding experience.  

Devon Carlson

Dickinson '20

Devon is a junior at Dickinson College, majoring in Political Science and Educational Studies. At Dickinson, she involves herself in a cappella and soccer, but outside of her school work and extracurriculars, she has a very strong passion for coffee and all things related to The Office.