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It’s the Little Things That Matter Most

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DESU chapter.

It’s the Little Things That Matter Most

Zaire Davis    



Eating healthy is so important. The phrase “you are what you eat” is completely valid. When most students go to college for the first time, we often get enthusiastic about being away from home and ball out on a bunch of processed junk that we know our mothers would smack us upside the head for eating. Try and eat green and leafy foods. Chic-fil-A and Panda Express are delicious, but please people, do not go there every single day. Make little substitutes for your snacks and meals when you make your monthly trip to Wal-Mart and you will see the changes. Chewy bars instead of Cheetos. Fruit snacks and pretzels instead of Pringles and Ben & Jerry’s. Fruit instead of candy. And most importantly, water instead of anything. Water is almost always free at restaurants (which is a plus because I know y’all are broke like me) and is the heathiest drink choice in the book. Water is the key to staying hydrated, awake and alert. Make it a large factor in your diet and you will see positive changes in how you look (we all want clear skin!) and how you feel.


Once I got to college and realized that watching an entire season of Grey’s Anatomy in one sitting made me feel like an unproductive piece of trash, I started to make some changes. Going to the gym is one of the best ways to stay in shape and blow off steam. If you do not like running or lifting weights, check out the gym on your campus and see if they have yoga or Zumba classes you can take a couple times a week. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk instead of driving. Little things like that are ways that you can stay in shape and be productive.


Talk to someone. When you feel the most alone and are sinking into the hole of despair, please, please, please, give someone a call! A friend, a relative, a parent, a teacher, anyone! I have realized that sometimes being in my room and reflecting on how much work I have to do or realizing that I am lonely and feeling like things are not working out, NEVER SOLVES ANYTHING. I know that everyone has different situations and problems, but when you feel like giving up, don’t. Trust me, I get it. I am a new transfer student at DESU this year. I am from California and my previous school that I attended is in Nevada. I’m a lonnnnng way from home. It is hard not having a ton of super close friends right of the bat and not having someone physically there to confide in when needed. Even though this may seem lame, sometimes I go to my advisor’s office hours and just sit and talk to her in there. She did not know me at the start of the year, but she does now. I look forward to those time periods when I can go into her office for half an hour and just vent to someone about my entire life story. Sometimes we do not need a lecture, we just need someone to listen. Take advantage of these resources. The adults on campus are here for us. And trust me, they are not going to tell your boy problems to anyone. If you feel lonely, please do not continue to sink (easier said then done, I know!). Being around other people is a great distraction and will take your mind off of whatever is bringing you down. Remember, we all have to lift each other up to stay up!



Born and raised in sunny California but am currently attending DESU. Studying mass communications & theatre. Hopefully you'll see me on TV some day but for now, you can read some of my articles!
Raised in Queens, with a major in Mass Communication and a love for writing. Graduating in 2018 in hopes of working in Television production. I love reading novels, blogs and magazine articles. I'm completed addicted to TV Shows and my ultimate goal is to always have fun.