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Healing After A Breakup

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DESU chapter.

Healing after a breakup

Breakups, no matter if it was a relationship or friendship, can be difficult. They’re difficult when they happen and if you’re the one thinking about breaking up with someone it can be a challenge. At the end of the day, they happen and they hurt when they happen. However, it’s important to take care of yourself after one. Here’s a few tips that may help you when you’re dealing with a breakup.


  1. Don’t look forward to closure.

As women we want closure. Closure tells us what we did wrong or what happened that caused the breakup, like cheating. However, don’t look forward to closure. You may never get it and it may hurt that you don’t know what happened to make things go so wrong.


  1. Forgiving yourself

Forgiveness is something that takes forever to accomplish. Let’s face it, many of us are probably still holding on to that one thing that happened a few years ago. In this situation, forgiving yourself is important. Often, we blame ourselves for things we have no control over. Forgiving ourselves is the one thing we forget to do. It’s okay to do it.


  1. Consider a healing journal

You can buy a simple empty journal or you can a journal that is exclusively for your healing. One great option, that ive used in the past, is the RECLAIM. PIECE X PEACE. VOL. ONE – SIGNATURE EDITION BREAKUP JOURNAL by Tatiana Jerome. This journal is great if you’re trying to heal from a breakup and gives you writing prompts.


You can purchase it for $25 on https://setinsoul.com/collections/journals/products/reclaim-piece-x-peace-signature-edition-vol-one-journal


  1. Give yourself to grieve

A breakup is a like a death of a relationship or friendship. It’s important to give yourself time to cry, be angry, be happy, etc. Don’t rush this process. Everyone grieves differently but you deserve to have your turn at it.


  1. Be selfish for a little

In relationships we often spend time compromising and focusing on the other person. During your process of healing be extremely selfish. Do things you didn’t normally get to while you were with someone else. Simply put date yourself for this period.


It’s important to remember yourself and self-care while you’re healing from a breakup. Everyone handles everything differently and you’re entitled to handle yours the way you feel. But at some point, fix your makeup, get some new shoes and act he like never existed after you get through your healing.


Raised in Queens, with a major in Mass Communication and a love for writing. Graduating in 2018 in hopes of working in Television production. I love reading novels, blogs and magazine articles. I'm completed addicted to TV Shows and my ultimate goal is to always have fun.