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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

As Thanksgiving break draws near, I know we are all getting more and more excited about the time that we will get to spend with our family and friends, but let’s admit it, we all can’t wait to eat a home cooked meal. 

Believe me, I don’t blame you. I, too, will be rushing home this break for some of my grandmother’s homemade macaroni and cheese. However, while the food has a way of taking over the holiday, we shouldn’t forget what the importance of this holiday means. We DePauw students only get five days of Thanksgiving break and when we return to school we will be stressed about finals and already looking forward to the next break. That is why, this Thanksgiving, we should all remember to cherish the time that we have with our family and friends. We should remember that this is a time to be thankful for everyone and everything that we have in our life.

The great thing about this holiday is that encompasses a universal idea. Thanksgiving itself emphasizes gratefulness, happiness, recognition of the lives we live, and celebrating the smallest and largest things, people, pets, food, privledges, etc. that we are surrounded with every day. And even if this should not be the only day we recognize our gratitude, Thanksgiving is the day to really make sure you let the important people around you know that you genuinely appreciate them, and the influence they have on your life. So, even if you cannot make it home for the holidays this year, celebrate the holiday in a way you can appreciate things around you, whether it be with friends, or families of friends, and know that you, too, are appreciated!  Happy Thanksgiving, DePauw! Enjoy the break, and even more, the holiday. 

My name is Taylor Ingram and I am a part of the Class of 2017 at DePauw University! I am from St. Louis, Missouri and I am majoring in Communication with a minor in Spanish. Writing has always been my passion and I love connecting with other people through it.