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Rhiley McIntire ’17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

Meet our newest Campus Cutie, a junior soccer player from Granger, Indiana, Rhiley McIntire! 

Her Campus: Hey Rhiley, so as you know you’re my RA, tell me a little about yourself?

Rhiley McIntire: What would you like to know?

HC: Well how old are you?

RM: I am 20.

HC: Oh the big 20, not quite 21 yet though! What are you studying?

RM: I’m a double major in Education Studies and Studio Art.

HC: Double major, that is impressive! What do you plan to do with those two areas of study?

RH: I really don’t know… I mean I could see teaching being an option, and it’s something that I enjoy. I am a substitute teacher in the school district that I went through back at home. It’s an option but I really don’t know right now.

HC: I am sure it’s fun to see how the school district has changed over the years. What is the district?

RM: Penn-Harris Madison School District.

HC: Okay cool. Where is “back home”?

RM: Granger, Indiana it’s by South Bend.

HC: Okay, so north of here.

RM: Yeah, way north. Like my backyard borders Indiana and Michigan. I could step into Michigan pretty much.

HC: Being in two places at once, that is something that most of us can’t say we get to do regularly at home. So what is your ideal weather?

RH: About 76 degrees and sunny.

HC: That’s particular. Do you have a wind per-mile preference as well?

RM: Yeah, a three mph wind- west bound.

HC: Ha-ha solid. What’s your favorite location on campus?

RM: My fraternity.

HC: Okay! What fraternity are you in?

RM: DU (Delta Upsilon).

HC: So I know you play soccer here at DePauw what else do you do?

RM: I’m an RA obviously (Rhiley is my RA).

HC: Fair enough. What is the first thing you see in a girl?

RM: Her smile and eyes; she has to have good teeth; and she of course has to be funny and sarcastic like myself! I hope she would get my sarcasm.

HC: Ladies, our campus cutie likes a funny and sarcastic girl so if you are both of those, you are in luck! So have you participated in the DePauw tradition of doing a boulder run yet?

RM: I have not. I’ll do a boulder run when someone beats me at something to make me do one. So if I get beat aka bouldered in beer pong or playing fifa then I’ll do it! I’m just too good. I’ve bouldered other people though…

HC: Ohhhhhh, because you’re just so great (ha-ha). How many people have you “bouldered”?

RM: Like 3 or 4.

HC: Not too shabby, I hope you get bouldered this year then! SO boxers or briefs?

RM: Boxers – I like to let it breathe.

HC: Oh “let it breathe” … Interesting. Last question, relationship status?

RM: Singgggglllle.

HC: There you have it ladies, he is on the market. Any last comments?

RM: I like Rickey Bobby, so if you like him too, we will get along just fine.

HC: Okay. Well Rhi, it has been real! Good luck to the soccer team in the rest of their season.

RM: Thank you!



       Indiana born and raised. A caffeine-dependent life form. Chaco advocate. World traveler. Making history in the cat lady category. XOXO your future doctor.