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Miley Cyrus- Fashion Icon or Fashion Disaster

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

Miley Cyrus has gotten a lot of criticism ever since her show, Hannah Montana, ended in 2011. When the show ended, she left Disney in the quest to drastically change her image. Miley achieved this; she went from being the cute country girl to being this spontaneous, wild and adventurous adult. Miley wanted to escape Disney, so she went to the other side of the scale. She may have taken it a little extreme at first though. Her outfits were a little crazy and unusual, but she eventually bounced back from this extreme and found a style that people look up to and admire.

Her fashion choices might have changed, but she still is seen as a fashion icon. Who else is able to pull of a suit full of flying pigs and still look chic? Not many people. Due to Miley being super confident in herself she can wear anything she wants to and still look flawless. Miley wants to stand out, which is done by these crazy outfits. Just because an outfit is crazy does not mean that the outfit is not fashionable at all though. Instead, it all depends if it the outfit is flattering to her, not the majority’s opinion on the look.

Miley’s style did not change overnight. She is still testing the waters to see what styles are a little too extravagant or too subtle. The raindrop dress is an example of an outfit that might have looked good on paper, but instead it looks like a costume when Miley wore it. This is what makes Miley a fashion icon though. She pushes the limit of fashion to the very edge to see how extravagant her outfits can get. It takes a lot of courage to wear some of her outfits, so snaps for Miley. She is a role model in the fashion world because of this. She is not following any fashion advice from peers, instead she is creating her own wacky style.

In the end, Miley has had a lot of stuff happen to her in the past couple years. This is one of the major reasons she decided to change her look. She simply grew up and needed a different image. This change of style and behavior happened drastically at first, but once the whole chopping off of the hair and the wild behavior subsided, she finally found her mature style. Due to her unique and confidently worn style that she found, she deserves to be seen as a fashion icon; Even when she wears her hair in buns and sticks her tongue out.



Campus Correspondent for HC DePauw! Psychology and Spanish major, art history minor '17. CollegeFashionista Style Guru & Editorial Intern. DePauw Cheerleading Social Media Manager.