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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

Have you ever found yourself wondering how you are going to balance school, work, classes, friends, and sleep? Time management is a hard skill to master, especially in college. I made it my mission to find someone who can balance and who does it well.

Meghan Sink is a junior here at DePauw and one of my close friends! She is double majoring in psychology and classical civilizations and can attest to overwhelming schedules. I sat down with her to see if she could give any tips to managing life. Here are her answers! I know I’ll be picking up an extra planner after talking with her!

HerCampus: How do you balance classes, work, Greek life, sleep, and still manage to have fun?

Meghan Sink: I use three planners. One for assignments and meetings, a desk planner for big due dates, and then a weekly whiteboard to stay ahead. I find it better to keep myself busy because if I don’t fill up my schedule, I don’t use my free time as efficiently. Plan and stay busy!

HC: What advice do you have for students for staying on track with classes? Sometimes that can be the hardest part of college to balance.

MS: Stay ahead because it can be hard to catch up once you fall behind. But if you are behind or falling behind, building relationships with your professors will help you out. They want you to succeed and are on your side.

HC: Even with a jam packed schedule, what’s something you always make time for?

MS: I like to workout in my free time and always make time for it. I also love to be around people. It’s actually one of my favorite things about DePauw, because no matter where you go there is always someone you know and can socialize with.

HC: Any words of encouragement for students trying to balance, well, life?

MS: Be involved in things, not because it will look good on a resume, but because you are passionate about the things you are doing!

Thanks for talking with us, Meghan!