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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

College is tough enough as it is, but playing a sport and balancing school is quite a tough task. As much as we love doing it, it can certainly cause some stress, and what’s better than to complain together? Here are just a few of things that you can probably relate to if you’re an athlete in college.


Although these little demon pellets can be fun to play on, you’ve probably found them just about everywhere: your hair, your clothes, and everything in between. Even when you’re done with the season, you’ll probably find them in your shoes months later.


T-shirts and sweatpants

When you’re in season, you can’t seriously be expected to look your best; therefore, sweatpants and t-shirts are probably your best friend. Some may think you look like a potato, but you’re rocking that groutfit and you know it. You also probably get a “wow, you look nice” from your friends when you occasionally decide to wear a dress or even jeans.


Falling asleep in random places any chance that you get

As sleep usually takes a hit when your schedule is so busy, you take the opportunity to sleep wherever and whenever. Whether it’s during a long bus ride or on the couch between classes, you take whatever sleep that you can get.


Random bruises and scrapes

These aren’t the type of bruises or scrapes that people get after having a little too much fun during a night on the town; these are the bruises that you see the day after a game. You probably got them from that time that girl pushed you when the ref wasn’t looking or from sliding into home; either way, they make you look tough, so you don’t care.


Answering every question with “I can’t I have *insert sport here*”

Sports pretty much takes up all the time that you have that isn’t school. Finding time for friends and other fun activities can be nearly impossible. While it may annoy others around you, you probably don’t care because you get to play the sport you love.

Although being in season has its drawbacks, once it’s over you would probably give anything to play just one more game or have one more practice with your team. Here is my advice to you: try to look past the little things and enjoy it while it lasts!

DePauw 2020, Neuroscience and Computer science double major, Soccer Player