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Clothing Staples for Non-Midwesterners

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.
It’s that time of year again… the temperature is dropping, and you wake up to snow falling. For me, an Arizona native who is spending her first winter in the Midwest, I don’t have the time or the money to go out and splurge on an entire winter wardrobe. Instead, I have been trying to turn as many of my fall clothes (technically they were good enough for an Arizona winter) into outfits ready to face thirty five degrees. Here are my five favorite pieces of clothing that will serve you well in nearly any season.
Some people might judge you for wearing leggings as pants in the fall, but you’ll be laughing at them when you stay warm wearing leggings under your pants in the winter. This works especially well if you have thermal or fleece lined leggings. 
PS Leggings rock as pants.
Whether its spring, summer, winter, or fall, a cardigan can dress up any outfit while keeping you warm if you need it. Cardigans of any color and style are a staple for every closet. Layer it up in the winter with a thick scarf, throw it on in the fall as a light jacket, or wear it over a tank top in the spring and summer.
Whether you opt for high or low tops, these shoes can go with practically any outfit. They’re cute with shorts, or you can wear them with fuzzy socks to keep your toes snuggly warm. I definitely prefer high tops, but any style works in every season.
Just like cardigans, scarves come in so many different styles it’s hard to find a season they don’t work with. Wrap around scarves work perfectly in the spring, and infinity scarves will hold tight to your neck to keep you warm in the winter.
In the summer, you can wear flannels around your waist with a tank top and shorts, or in the winter it’s warm enough to wear under your coat. Made from woven wool, these shirts may seem thin, but they’ll be a lifesaver!
Campus Correspondent for HC DePauw! Psychology and Spanish major, art history minor '17. CollegeFashionista Style Guru & Editorial Intern. DePauw Cheerleading Social Media Manager.