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ABROAD BLOG: DePauwty in Spain

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.



Natalie Swiler

As my semester abroad in Segovia, Spain winds to a sad close, I have happily compiled a list of things that I have learned or observed here, or possibly things I should have already known. Here’s a few things that I have experienced first hand while abroad, but that I hope can be applied to any of you girls over yonder in Amurica.


When in Rome (no pun intended- I was literally in Rome) or anywhere I guess, and you are either a sober sally or like me- a bottle of wine, 2 beers, and 2 shots deep- DO NOT by any means put your hand in front of a dog’s (I was told later it was a pit bull, oops) mouth. Even if it looks like a nice little doggy, you’re most likely wrong and there’s always a potential for it to bite your finger, scare the hell out of you until you forget about it a second later, and leave a scratch and a few bruises. You’ve been warned!


I learned very quickly that we DePauwtiers seriously take for granted the concept of “here’s a handle of vod and a chaser- now go finish it.” In Europe, not only do the bartenders give you just one shot for 1-3 euro, they also do not give you a chaser.After just a few bar experiences, I have learned two very useful skills; 1) chase with gum; and 2) steal almost-full drinks that somebody left laying at the bar or on a table and chug as fast as I can. Although both might not be the safest methods, I have yet to puke here or get any herpes. 
 I have also probably improved my shot taking abilities.However, I’m sure I wont be bragging when I die from trying to keep up with you people the first night back so if you see me, help a sista out. 

“Sleeping” Arrangements

As we planned for our trip to Rome one weekend, we chose the 6am flight back and agreed upon saving money and not getting a hostel that night. Our thought process: Hey we’re poor college kids and sleeping in the airport will be worth saving the money, right? WRONG! It did really seem like a good idea at the time but when we got to the airport we realized maybe not so much. This airport did not have one redeeming quality (unless you count the wild cats roaming around?) and we had to “sleep” on the floor freezing our butts off and spooning for warmth. Don’t judge. As one of the girls said when the night/morning was coming to a close, “this is the epitome of poverty.” Right you are, my friend. Although we’ll look back and think that was maybe the dumbest idea ever, it is not one of those “good experiences.” My advice, spend the money and just avoid sleeping in European airports if you don’t have to.

Staring Wars

One of the first things I noticed in Spain was that people are constantly staring at us. I’m not talking just a short up down and move on. No matter the age of the looker, these people have made it their sport to fix their eyes on me until I’m fully out of their area, perhaps even longer. Apparently I look pretty American or something, just because I have a slightly lighter shade of brown hair, does not mean I am the devil. I feel really bad for the several blondies that are here with me that get it even worse! Also, if I go for a run here, I am looked at as if I’m a two-headed alien. These people just never have one thread out of place. I miss being able to walk around as if I just went to the gym but really had no plans of doing so. Although I have fallen in love with many other aspects of Spanish culture, I can’t wait to come back to the U.S. and just “fit in.”

I hope this was entertaining or at least wasted a few minutes of studying for those dreadful DePauw finals. I truly can’t wait to see everyone and to call DePauw my home again!

Mckenzie Curran is a Sociology and Communication major at DePauw University. Mckenzie is new to the HerCampus Team, and looks forward to planning HerCampus events in the upcoming school year in order to spread awareness of the site. Mckenzie spends her free time going to campus events, baking, and hanging out with her Kappa Alpha Theta sisters.