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Beautiful Barbie: Diversity in 2016 for Mattel

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePaul chapter.

Photo provided by Mattel

Growing up in a household with four girls Barbies were always a staple in our house. We had not one, but TWO of the famous Barbie Dreamhouses, upwards of a hundred different outfits and shoes, and at least 75 Barbie dolls between us all. Needless to say, Barbie definitely had a huge influence on me as a child, and I could not be more thrilled with Mattel’s decision to finally make Barbie more diverse.

This is such an important moment in the history of women in the United States. A major corporation is now recognizing the flaws in their multi-million dollar industry, and they care enough to change something about their product that will make a difference. Instead of exclusively super skinny portrayals of women, Barbie will now be available with four different body types: curvy, petite, tall, and original. According to Barbie.com, she will also be available with seven different skin tones, 22 eye colors, and 24 hairstyles!

Little girls will now be able to play with dolls that represent women of all shapes, sizes, and ethnic backgrounds. This will undoubtedly create a positive impact on their self-esteem and their ability to respect those different from them.

Now that I am in college, I haven’t played with Barbies in years. However, I am still ecstatic about the progression that Mattel is making. Anyone who says that this only affects children, or those with children, is incorrect. This is a cultural shift in a direction that has been a long time coming. This will help individuals to stop holding all women to a single standard, and shaming them when they don’t match the criteria. Instead, these dolls will encourage appreciating the differences that each human being brings. Every Barbie is beautiful, therefore this will help every woman of every shape and ethnicity believe in the fact that she is beautiful.